Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Overall reflection

Well, it has come to the end of our ED 205 class and it all went by too fast! I enjoyed all the fun projects and every web based programs that we explore. I actually introduce some of the activities we did with our teachers at Hopwood Junior High School and now they are tryinng to integrate it into their lessons! That was so interesting to see that even master teacher's can learn from teacher aides.

The last project that we had was to create our own webpage and add photos to each page. It was actually really fun to do and it made me want to do a family webpage for my family to share with my brother who is deployed. It will be a great way to share photos and news to family members with out myspace and hackers. It is more private and only you can make your own changes. Overall, I loved making the webpage!

Just incase you may want to see my beautiful page... Here is the addy: http://claremobel.weebly.com/index.html


Sunday, November 23, 2008

My adventure with jumpcut.com

A couple weeks back our class had the chance to make our very own commercial for an educational software. We had to make a movie for advertising our software. The software we chose was Jumpstart Artist and as a group we got together and took clips of eachother to make a commercial but ofcourse we had a problem. Jumpcut.com actually uploaded the clips but it wouldn't show the clip but only play the audio. It was giving our group such a hard time to do anything else on it. As a group we deicided just to use pictures for our movie and it actually came out really cute. But we wanteed to add our clips! (SAD) Anyways, when it came down to play the movie, the audio wasn't playing... That was frustrating! But overall, we just worked with what we had and hopefully we did good! I think it would been better if we used another site to complete the advertisement.

Oh well, I'm satisfied with our group's work and their effort!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Here's the link to my quiz!

Quizyourfriends.com didn't show me the option of posting on my blog so here is the link to take my quiz! Have fun and please do study!!!



Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Reflection on Powerpoint/Slideshare.net

The activity we did today using powerpoint and slideshare.net was great. We had a chance to come up with a presentation on any topic using power point and uploading it to slide share. From this activity, I learned that it is actually easier to upload and present using slideshare. On the other hand, I've previously used powerpoint so it wasn't new. I didn't run into any problems while working with the two programs. They were both user friendly and faster than other programs I had used. As a future teacher, I would use powerpoint as a tool for everyday classroom activities for students to share their work and present it to the whole class. As for slideshare, I would use this program for their vocabulary words and final presentations. This would help the students with remember key points and terms. I thought that this activity was a great opportunity to explore more tools for learning in the classroom!

Overal, it was great!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Favorite Slide Presentation

This past week we had the chance to make a story slideshow with the sites given to us to work with. Our group did the Saipan Cinderella Story with Slide.com and that was pretty cool except for the upload of the pics and effects. We all had the chance to present our slide shows in class and compare the sites that we all used. The four slide presentation slides that we used were picturetrail.com, rockyou.com, slide.com, and photobucket.com. Out of all four, photobucket had really nice effects, music, and they were able to control the timing and frames on their slides. So I think that I will be trying it out myself and make it my new favorite site!!! Check it out!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

iphoto reflection

Our last class was really fun! We actually had the chance to go out for a scavenger hunt and take photos. We had about 15 items on our list but it was really cool to go around and look for these items on campus. We also had the chance to download them using iphoto on the mac computers. That was easier than I thought it would be. We learn how to add effects and music to the slideshow of pictures.
All in all, the class was really fun! The picture taking and downloading was pretty easy. Great way to learn somthing new!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My first blog!

Well, well, well! This is the first time I ever had a blog spot and it's pretty good. I had to create one for my Intro. to Computers Class, so here it is. I have actually learned alot more about computers and about the different sites that can be used for our future classrooms and with students. Some sites that we have checked out and actually used were gliffy.com, mindmeister.com, and mnemograph.com. Of all the three, I really enjoyed using gliffy.com because the navigation was easy and fun to figure out, unlike mindmeister.com, which gave me a hard time.

All in all, surfing the sites and learning new tricks on the computer has help me with other classes so what more can I ask for. Great Class!!!